
L'ostéopathie c'est quoi ? Une discipline médicale de première ligne basée sur un approche globale de la personne

ostéopathie c'est quoi ?

Osteopathy is a specialized manual therapy primarily suited to conditions of the musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system. The diagnosis and treatment I provide are the result of a rigorous university curriculum. This includes a significant proportion focused on the study of human anatomy, the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system, and semiological medical knowledge. 

The holistic approach, which is a central element of care, requires us not to "fall in love with the painful area", but also to investigate the surrounding structures in search of other suffering tissues as well as the initial lesion site. 

To optimize the quality of care offered to patients, the osteopath will work closely with doctors, physiotherapists, and other health professionals. If necessary, they will redirect you to the appropriate specialist for further examinations or suitable treatment. 

I currently see patients in my practice in Etterbeek and central Brussels. All the information obtained during the interview and physical examination will allow me to design a treatment plan tailored to each patient, while taking care of you in your entirety.

Using a range of varied techniques (massages, tissue, muscle, joint or visceral techniques, manipulations...), my practice caters to adults, pregnant women, athletes, children, and seniors.

Osteopathy has a curative function, but it can also be recommended preventively if the patient believes that their quality of life will be improved.

Furthermore, osteopathy can help alleviate a variety of conditions, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, joint and muscle pain, and much more. It can also help improve circulation, digestion, and can even help reduce stress and anxiety.

It's important to note that each osteopathy session is unique and tailored to the specific needs of each patient. That's why it's essential to communicate openly with your osteopath about your symptoms and concerns. Together, we can work to improve your health and wellbeing. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The session begins with a questioning, during which I gather information about you and the history of your complaint.

Then, orthopedic and osteopathic clinical examinations will allow me to highlight the structures in distress.

Finally, if your pain corresponds to osteopathic care, a treatment will be proposed and you will receive advice to also take part in improving your body health.

The fees are 60€ on weekdays / 70€ on weekends and public holidays.

Yes. However, this reimbursement rate varies depending on the Belgian mutual insurance company to which you are affiliated.

My intention is to limit the treatment to a minimum of sessions. Depending on the issue, the initial treatment could be followed by additional sessions.

After an osteopathy session, it is possible to feel fatigue, diffuse pain, and stiffness during the 48-72 hours following the consultation. These sensations are related to the tissue relaxation generated and your body's self-regulation capacity. 

Some patients feel immediate relief after the appointment and have no side effects. This simply means that their body more easily integrates the treatment and adapts more quickly. 

L’ostéopathie est une pratique de santé manuelle qui se concentre sur le diagnostic et le traitement des dysfonctions de mobilité des tissus du corps.

Elle repose sur l’idée que le corps a la capacité de s’auto-guérir et que la structure et la fonction du corps sont interdépendantes. Les ostéopathes utilisent des techniques de manipulation pour restaurer l’équilibre et favoriser la santé globale du patient.

L’ostéopathie et la chiropraxie sont deux formes de thérapie manuelle qui traitent les troubles musculo-squelettiques mais diffèrent dans leur approche.

L’ostéopathie considère le corps dans son ensemble et utilise une variété de techniques pour restaurer l’équilibre, tandis que la chiropraxie se concentre principalement sur la colonne vertébrale et le système nerveux, utilisant des ajustements spécifiques pour traiter les subluxations vertébrales.

Les formations pour devenir ostéopathe ou chiropracteur sont également distinctes, reflétant leurs pratiques et philosophies uniques.